Our stories reveal the heart of God.
Our stories reveal the heart of God. Since the call of the first Disciples to the testimony of the Woman at the Well, the story of all believers is “I was blind, but now I see.” Jesus calls each of us into a new life - a new story, where we are beckoned to love our neighbor and to be embraced by the loving arms of the God who made us in his image.
It was once wisely said that, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”. Likewise, there is not square inch of our hearts that Christ does not claim. We are his, “purchased at a price” and the testimonies of our lives should point others to the beauty of grace that we do not deserve.
We live love, because “God first loved us”. Without the example of Christ “the perfecter of our faith”, who gives us the best example of love we would not know love. But “even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” and this should be our signpost of what it looks like to love others.
Sharing our stories is one way in which the Christian goes about loving others. We are not only encouraged by the testimony of other believers, but God can in fact draw hearers of our stories closer to his heart. The lives that we live, based on how we are shaped by the stories of our past become our greatest opportunity to witness our faith.
Live Loved Ministry exists to make testimonies accessible for the edification of the people of God - or the Church.
Our Mission is to help cultivate natural storytelling capabilities in the lives of all believers.
Share Your Story, Inspire Others
Cultivating storytelling for the edification of God's people through testimonies and experiences.
Feel called to share?
Stories We've Helped Tell.
Here are a few of the most recent testimonies we've been able to help share. Our full library of stories can be accessed in the "Story Catalog" and on the Live Loved Ministry YouTube channel.
Stories are for the Church.
At Live Loved Ministry, we share testimonies to uplift and inspire the church, fostering natural storytelling among believers for spiritual growth. We can only accomplish this with support from someone like you!
Our Mission Statement
We aim to cultivate storytelling skills in believers, making their testimonies accessible for the edification of God's people and the church community.
Storytelling Gallery
Explore testimonies that inspire and edify the community of believers.
Get in Touch
We would love to hear from you! Your stories and testimonies can inspire and uplift others in their faith journey. Reach out today!